The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Begins Its Journey to the Mac
"With his far-reaching right hand, Sauron might have done great evil in the North. Yet all that has been averted because a handful of heroes stood in his path...”
- Gandalf the White
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North is the untold story of those heroes: Eradan the ranger, Andriel the elf and Farin the dwarf, who embark on a quest across Middle-earth to protect the North from the Dark Lord’s malevolent forces.
An enthralling combination of visceral combat and immersive role-playing, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North for Mac, out on August 29th, can be played in both single player and co-operative multiplayer modes.
A minisite of unimagined power has been forged in the flames of Mount Doom...