Past the Mountains of Mourn and the steppes beyond lies the fabled empire of Cathay. Travellers returning from the eastern reaches tell tales of jade cities and golden pagodas. They recount strange creatures, from serpentine Dragons to monolithic stone sentinels. But most of all they tell of the imposing and disciplined armies that march forth in defence of their kingdom – the thousands of devoted footsoldiers, unswerving in their loyalty and unrivalled in the harmonics of war.
The Tzardom of Kislev, known as the Realm of the Ice Queen, is the most northerly civilisation within the Old World, a powerful and war-driven country. Its inhabitants are are wolf-tough and self-reliant warriors, valiant and determined in the defence of their Motherland, for they are the bulwark against the horrors of the north.
The Blood God rages upon his brass throne, resting atop a mountain of skulls, built from the countless champions his followers have slain over the aeons. He cares not from where the blood flows so long as it is done in his name. To serve Khorne is to embrace violence and destruction, and to pledge utter subservience to his cause.
Nurgle the Plague Lord is the Chaos God of disease, decay, death and degradation. Those who embrace Nurgle accept their own doom with good humour. Disfigured by disease and mutation, they are keen to spread their god’s blessings to the poor souls that wander through life unafflicted.
Slaanesh is dedicated to the pursuit of excess, gratification, hedonism, pain and amoral pleasure at the expense of any other soul. Those who serve are consumed by their own dark passions, driven by the need for their mistress-master’s approval to commit more sordid atrocities.
The Changer of the Ways is the Chaos God of magic, evolution, manipulation and trickery. To serve him is to invite insanity. His servants weave their own complex webs of influence, founding cults in high society as well as armed legions of puppet followers.
The newly arisen Daemon Prince disavows Kislev and shrugs off his mortal form to take on an ever-changing aspect more pleasing to the Chaos Gods. Now it is his destiny to command the legions of Chaos Undivided in waging eternal war against entire nations and immortal rivals as he seeks a terrible vengeance on sovereigns and even gods.