Total War™: MEDIEVAL II for mobile




After tasting victory at Hastings, William the Conqueror leads the English at the beginning of the campaign.

With designs on the other countries of the British Isles as well as mainland Europe — what they lack in cavalry they more than make up for with their tough infantry and devastating longbowmen!


The French begin the campaign sandwiched between powerful rivals — the Holy Roman Empire, and the English.

To succeed they'll need to put their heavily armoured, expertly trained cavalry to judicious use! Recreating their historical alliance with the Scots may also prove wise…


The Venetians boast an unparalleled aptitude for trade, and a cunning Doge in MEDIEVAL II will use the city’s great wealth to spread their influence across the Mediterranean.

Venice itself is a natural fortress, and its defenders are some of the game's strongest militia units.

The Holy Roman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire campaign begins with strained Papal relations, and provoking the Vatican further risks disaster...

Luckily, their armies are among the game's most well-rounded, and they are more than up to the task of defending their homelands.


Newly crowned king of Leon, Castile and Galicia, Alfonso VI leads the Spanish people at a turbulent time indeed.

Having to contend with both the Portuguese and the Moors for control of Iberia will demand much of their highly effective light infantry and cavalry.

The Moors

At the start of the campaign, Moorish influence has already crossed the straits of Gibraltar. From their capital of Marrakech, they will look to push eastwards, and yet further north, capitalising on the disunity of the Christian kingdoms

Their well-rounded roster of light cavalry and effective spear infantry will be invaluable when solidifying their grip over north Africa and the Mediterranean shores of Europe.

Unlockable Factions

There are a further eleven playable factions in Total War: MEDIEVAL II — each unlocked by defeating them in the campaign. Alternatively, you can unlock them all at once by completing an entire campaign as any of the starting factions.