Work at Feral


Deciding on a new job is tricky - it’s an important choice, but also one of the most difficult to get right.

Often that’s down to lack of information. Especially early in your career, it is hard to know whether a job is going to be fulfilling, and whether a particular environment is right for you.

As an employer we have a similar issue: it is important for us to accurately understand who can and who cannot do a particular job, and to identify who will be a good fit with our company.

This is where we start to try and fill in the information on both sides. In this section we provide a lot more background about Feral, hopefully enough to pique your interest and give you a better idea of whether or not this might be the place for you.

So if you are an aspiring developer, QA technician, marketeer, graphic artist or games designer, and any of the roles you see excite you, send us an application and we will give it our full attention.

And even if you don’t see a job that matches what you are looking for, but would like to work at Feral in another role, feel free to send us your details via our Contact Form.

Current Openings